Our Success

Off Market Purchase - Daisy Hill

Purpose of Purchase: Residential home
Property Type: Low set brick home (3Beds + 2Baths + 4Car park)

Land Size: 591m2

Property Feature:

  • Lowset home with large open plan living
  • 3 Generous bedrooms and 2 with Air-conditioning 
  • Contemporary family bathroom and ensuite
  • Quality flooring throughout

Purchase Price: $750,000
Purchased on: June 2023

How this purchase met the clients brief:

  • Near John Paul College
  • Potential capital growth
  • Reasonable land size

Off Market Purchase 

When my client approached me, they had just obtained their Permanent Residency (PR) and were preparing to immigrate to Brisbane with their family to settle down. While they had been to Brisbane before, they weren’t very familiar with every area here. They hoped to find a house within their budget and in a good school catchment. They had done a lot of research in advance, understanding the education here and the population distribution in various areas. Since they were not completely familiar with the local areas, from the moment I took on the role of their Buyer’s Agent, I helped them view properties in different areas, including Springfield Lakes, Spring Mountain, Pallara, Heathwood, Capalaba, and more. During the process from viewing properties to attempting offers, prices in some areas had already increased by nearly 5%. Considering the current competitive buyer’s market, finding a house they truly liked wasn’t easy, and sometimes it might not even fall within their budget. So, while continuing to assist my client with property inspections, I was also in constant communication with different agents.

The seller of this house originally considered auctioning the property, but as soon as I learned about this Off Market property, I immediately inspected the condition of the house for my client. Since the seller planned to renovate the house slightly before selling it, my client’s wife initially didn’t like the house when she saw it in its pre-renovation state. However, in the end, they were very thankful for trusting my judgment

because on the eve of the handover, they saw a house with brand-new paint, brand-new carpet, brand-new air conditioning, and a newly laid lawn garden. Additionally, Daisy Hill is becoming increasingly popular due to its proximity to John Paul College and its easy access to the highway, allowing for a 3-4 minute drive to the CBD or the Gold Coast. Daisy Hill is also a low-crime area, which is one of the key considerations for new immigrants. We are very happy for this family and wish them a smooth and successful life in Brisbane!



這位客人找我的時候剛好拿到了PR,正準備一家人移民來Brisbane定居。他們雖然有來過Brisbane但不是對這裡每一個地區都非常熟悉。他們希望能夠在預算範圍內找到一所獨立屋,並且在學區較好的地方。他們事先也做了很多資料搜集,了解這裡的教育情況及各個區域的人口分佈等等。由於他們對這裡的地區不完全了解,從我擔任他們的Buyer’s Agent開始, 我就幫他們在不同地區看房,包括: Springfield Lakes, Spring Mountian, Pallara, Heathwood, Capalaba等等。由開始看房到嘗試出價的過程中,有些地區的房價已經升了差不多5%。考慮到現時市場上買家眾多的情況下,要找到一間真正喜歡的房子並不容易,有時可能亦未必在他們的預算範圍內。所以需要繼續幫這位客人去做inspection的同時,我也在不斷與不同的agent溝通。

這間房子的賣家本來考慮想要將房子拍賣出售,但當我一知道這間Off Market的屋後,便立刻幫客人視察屋內的情況,由於賣家計劃將間屋稍作翻新後再出售,所以客人的太太初時看到未翻新前的房屋時並沒有很喜歡,但最後很感謝客人相信我的眼光

因為在交房前夕再去視察時,客人看到的是一間全新油漆,全新地氈,全新冷氣和重新舖設的草皮花園的房子。再加上Daisy Hill這個地區受歡迎程度越來越高,主要原因當然是鄰近John Paul College,而且距離高路也不遠,只需3-4分鐘即可通往市中心或Gold CoastDaisy Hill也是一個犯罪率較低的地區,這種種原因對於新移民的朋友來說是都是比較著重的考慮因素之一。我們替這家客人感到非常開心,並祝願他們在Brisbane的生活一帆風順!

2/24 Vanessa Boulevard, Springwood QLD 4127

Phone: +61 411 523 415