



首先,Council 市政府對房產發展有重要的影響。每個市政府都有它的城市規劃(在City Plan 上可以找到其資料),其中概述了對房產發展項目的開放程度和彈性。了解市政府的要求和費用是必要的,因為它們在不同市政府之間可能取向有所不同。例如以Brisbane City Council 和Logan City Council 比較,Logan 區的市政府比起Brisbane City 的市政府較高。 我們專業的買家中介,能夠為你剖析在Brisbane 不同的Council內有什麼發展計劃,對你要準備購買的土地有那些影響。

其次,Zoning分區是購買物業時的一個重要考慮因素。不同的區域允許不同類型的開發,例如低密度住宅區 Low Density Residential Zone 允許分地, 低至中密度住宅區 Low – Medium Density Zone 允許做Townhouse/ Unit,而高密度區則允許建造公寓大樓 Apartment。另外,該區域的密度也是重要考慮因素之一,取決於你想住在密度高的環境,還是住在較大的土地上。又或是若果你買到的是Zoning 邊界附近的House, Council 有可能將Zoning 推移,土地價值由原本低密住宅區變成中密度住宅區,土地價值有可能因此而提升。當然不可能只因為這個因素而購買,亦需要考慮其他因素。

最後,Easement 土地通行權是土地開發的障礙,因為它們限制了土地的使用性。土地通行權是土地擁有者能給予第三方(例如市政府或政府機構,允許他們在土地上進行維修維護等工作。避免購買帶有土地通行權的房產是至關重要的,因為它們可能會嚴重限制你開發土地的能力,尤其是若果你考慮日後興建Granny Flat, 游泳池等等。

總之,在購買房產時,了解市政府的要求和費用、分區規定和土地通行權是重要的,要做出明智的決定。我們的專業買家中介都有這方面的經驗,因為很多時賣家中介都未必會告訴你這一切。要避免買錯這些物業,最好找我們的Buyer’s Agent 買家中介為你代勞!

Aus Property Buyer 買家中介服務
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在Brisbane購買物業時,有什麼因素會影響價格?什麼是Easement?什麼是Zoning? Read More »

在Brisbane 購買物業注意事項

在Brisbane 購買物業注意事項






房屋檢查:在你購買物業之前,應該聘請專業的房屋檢查師 (Building Inspector)進行全面的檢查。這可以幫助你發現物業中的潛在問題,例如結構問題、漏水等,減低買錯樓的機會,又或者再進一步和業主議價。



Aus Property Buyer 買家中介服務
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在Brisbane 購買物業注意事項 Read More »



第一步: 出價


假設你已經去過該物業的 Open Home, 也對這物業和該區做了研究,下一步就該出價了!


因此我們建議必須以書面形式出價, 這樣賣家經紀就有義務必須把你的出價通知賣家。最便捷的方法,就是直接問賣家經紀拿一份售屋合同。



  1. 買家資料 — 必須是買家的法定全名。要確保拼寫正確並包含所有字詞(包括中間名)。簽好合同後再改名字費時費錢費事,所以一開始就要確保無誤。另外,若買家以公司或信托的名義購買,一定要確保在簽署合同當天已經正確注冊及生效,是合法的法律主體(法人)
  2. 買家律師— 代表律師行的詳細資料。不要覺得自己來做就好,這種事還是讓專業的來吧!
  3. 購買價 — 你對這間物業的出價。取決於物業市值,當前的房產市場狀況,競爭對手,和其他因素。當然這也是多數買家最頭痛也最容易出錯的,出價太高失預算,出價太低搶不到。這時專業的買家置業顧問 (即買家中介Buyer’s Agent) 的意見,就能為你護航,省錢又省心。
    訂金 — 通常分為小訂和大訂,數額可以商量。不過在昆士蘭,法律規定總訂金不得超過購房價的10%。訂金通常會暫放在賣家經紀的信托戶口直至交割。

    – 小訂 – 當買房合同被接受時交付。
    – 大訂– 當買房合同變為無條件生效時交付。

  4. 財務條件 — 如買家需要獲得銀行確認貸款後才可購買物業,買家需要在財務一欄寫上,成功審批的貸款在多少天內完成,這時合同便會受到這個財務條件約束。買家在得到銀行貸款確認信後,買家須在日期內完成並通知賣方律師,這是合同才會轉為無條件生效。
  5. 特別約束條款 — 其他任何您想添加的特別條款(最好先尋求專業法律意見)
  6. 泳池安全檢查 — 如果物業有泳池,那就必須出示泳池安全證明或是安排泳池安全檢查。
  7. 成交日期— 在合同生效到成交需要多少天。在昆士蘭,一般成交日期是合同生效起計30天,60天或是90天,買家亦可以寫上指定日期,不過和其他條款一樣,這都是可以商量的。


在某些情況,可能出現同時間多個買家競爭同一物業,這時在昆士蘭就進入收到多重出價階段 (Multiple Offers),法律上對此有一定規範。


  1. 賣家接受出價,雙方簽署文件,購房合同正式生效
  2. 賣家拒絕出價,沒有後續
  3. 賣家還價,買家再考慮


第二步: 接受出價










  1. 你要馬上預約建築結構和白蟻檢查專家 Building Inspector(還有泳池安全檢查,如適用)為你檢查,並和賣家經紀配合時間。
  2. 如合同包括財務約束條款,你的銀行或貸款經紀人需要馬上行動協助你正式取得貸款審批。有時這涉及現場估價,那仍要和賣家經紀配合時間。





在成交當日早上或預早一天,對房子做一次成交前最後檢查非常重要,除了確定房子已被清空,也要保證屋況和首次驗房時一致 。在成交前發現屋況有異,總比事後處理來得容易。

第三步 — 成交



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布里斯本買樓程序 Read More »




即是你經常聽到的 Off-Market Property!現在就讓我來告訴你三個比較普遍的原因啦!

  1. 免卻Marketing費用
  2. 私隱
    不想把房子放上網出售,很多時候都出於私隱理由。他們不想鄰居鄰舍有太多關注! 哦,這戶要放售是什麼原因呢?唔知他們的屋能賣出幾錢?甚至有些鄰居會走去他們的 Open Home,看看屋內是什麼樣子,是否值得賣這個價錢。對於一些比較重視私隱的業主,他們唯一的選擇就是以 Off Market 型式放售。
  3. 出售的過程可以拖慢一點

在Off market 型式底下出售物業,好多時認真的買家已被賣家經紀篩選出來,確認買家要找的就是業主的這款物業。因此整個買賣過程相對較輕鬆和不會浪費太多時間在 Open Home上。

而這些機會很多時賣家經紀通常都會先聯絡 Buyer’s Agent 去尋找這些潛在買家。所以你常常聽到仍然未找到你想要買的物業?不妨考慮找個有經驗的Buyer’s Agent 幫手吧!

Aus Property Buyer 買家中介服務
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為何有些業主選擇不經網上出售物業? Read More »

Mount Warren Park

Our Success

Mount Warren Park
Mount Warren Park Back Yard
Mount Warren Park Main Living Room

Investment Purchase - Mount Warren Park

Purpose of purchase: Investment

Property type: Low set brick home (3Beds + 1Bath + 1Car park)

Land size: Flat 600m2 block of land

Budget:$500,000 – $600,000

Purchase price: $570,000

Purchased on: July 2022

Yield and rental info:
Leased at $500/week
Rental yield on purchase of 4.56%
Based on last year of sales, Mount Warren Park has achieved a 31.2% capital gain.

Property features:

  • 3 carpeted bedrooms with built in wardrobes
  • Renovated bathroom with separate shower and bath
  • Side access allowing for the option of a large shed
  • Fully fenced backyard

How this purchase met the clients brief:

  • Ready to move in
  • Low maintenance
  • Logan suburbs

This local investor has a busy lifestyle. She works in the medical field and is required to work shifts. She had attended many open homes but had no success in finding any suitable properties within her budget. It was getting difficult and stressful for her to manage time off to attend open homes and search for her investment property. This is when she decided to use an experienced buyer’s agent to help! After a solid amount of research and a few open homes in the areas that she was considering, we suggested she consider Mount Warren Park which is a family based suburb and is situated approximately halfway between Brisbane CBD, Gold Coast, Ipswich and Redland Bay.

This property is a short distance to Schools, Kindergartens and a variety of local shops including Coles and IGA. Also conveniently located nearby are Sports fields, gyms, the Mt Warren indoor sports centre, Mt Warren Park Golf Club and Mt Warren Lanes. In a high demand rental market situation, we have found the right tenant for this client and she has already started receiving the rental income. Another happy client!

2/24 Vanessa Boulevard, Springwood QLD 4127

Phone: +61 411 523 415

Mount Warren Park Read More »

Daisy Hill

Our Success

Daisy Hill
Daisy Hill Main Living Room
Daisy Hill Entertainment area

Investment Purchase - Daisy Hill

Purpose of purchase: Investment

Property type: House (5Beds + 2Baths + 4Carparks)

Land size: 668m2


Purchase price: $705,000

Purchased on: July 2022

Yield and rental info:
Leased at $710/week
Rental yield on purchase of 5.23%
Based on last year of sales, Daisy Hill has achieved a 27.2% capital gain.

Property features: 

  • Single storey home sits behind a private front fence, and comprises of 5 bedrooms.
  • Spacious front lounge is fitted with a convenient study nook.
  • Extensive undercover alfresco, perfect for entertaining your guests.
  • Well-appointed kitchen with plenty of cupboard space, dishwasher and microwave provision.

How this purchase met the clients brief:

  • Newly renovated home, low maintenance property
  • High rental yield
  • Close to public transport/ within good school catchment

This returning Australian expat now resides in Brisbane and has decided to buy his first investment property. As he hasn’t been living here for a long time, he would like to have someone who is professional and experienced to ensure that the buying process runs as smoothly as possible.

We helped him explore different areas so that he could understand the property market and rental opportunities in various suburbs. Within two months, we secured this charming home with easy access to Brisbane and Gold Coast, surrounded by shops and cafes, and in close proximity to both private and state schools such as John Paul College and St. Edwards School. The property is also conveniently located near public transport, parks, and sports clubs. Additionally, the property is well-maintained and requires low maintenance. He is now very satisfied and enjoying a stress-free service from our property management team.

2/24 Vanessa Boulevard, Springwood QLD 4127

Phone: +61 411 523 415

Daisy Hill Read More »



在澳洲的地產經紀是主要分開三大類,分別是Seller Agent, Project Marketer Buyer’s Agent

第一類是Seller Agent 即是平時在網上見到Ray White, Lj hooker, Place….等等既地產經紀,業主要放售就會找這些放盤,樓盤成功放售的話便會從業主那邊收到佣金, 所以佢地是有責任幫業主在最快的時間,找到買家賣到最好的價錢。

第二類是Project Marketer 即是銷售代理,一般發展商 好少直接自己賣他們的Pojects (有些比較小的發展商也會有)他們通常會找Sales 地產銷售代表推銷仍在發展的樓盤,即係一般見到的Apartment ,Townhouse 又或者係House and Land Package。這些地產銷售代表主要是從發展商公司收取佣金。如果一些好的銷售代理會disclose 他們由發展商收到佣金,而亦會盡佢地的所能,介紹該區的發展,有什麼樓盤會適合,但通常都會是推銷佢地自己從發展商代理的樓盤。

第三類是Buyer’s Agent, 對於在香港的朋友可能比較陌生。因為是由買家去給予Buyer’s Agent 一個費用,來幫他們買屋。他們不會限制你買那些區,如果你對該區不熟悉,他們會告訴你,如該區是否華人區? 越南區?或是洋人區?在區內那些學校的排名等等。如果是買來出租的話,會讓你知道區內主要住的是那些人,大概每週租金狀況等等。根據你的預算 同買屋要求,篩選地區後,再找到適合類型的屋,然後再安排 Building Inspector 做 Inspection, 同Seller Agent 商議價錢等等。Buyer’s Agent 主要是獨立,沒有代理任何樓盤,因為你就是他們的Boss, 你聘用他們作為你的代表,幫你去買屋。


如果你想買屋,有些 Seller Agent 都會幫忙,例如個別一些地產經紀會留起你的聯絡電話, 如果有新盤便會即刻通知你,但前提是他們一定會以業主利益行先。

而如果你想買發展商推出的新樓盤,有些 好的Project Marketer 都會好仔細幫你講解他們手上的樓盤,有些比較成功的Project Marketer 亦會有比較多唔同發展商人脈去幫你爭取你想找的樓盤。但在海外不太了解這裡地區的朋友,而又不熟悉這兒的買樓程序,尤其是off the plan, 最好建議自己做多些少 research, 除左聽sales 講之外,亦要去打聽下該區的環境。買屋和買名牌手袋不同,不是款式價錢合理便去買。

以上的都是我們俗稱的地產經紀,無論是賣屋,買屋或者是物業管理,都需要有Real Estate Certificate。想找合適自己的人幫忙,如地產經紀,貸款經紀,會計,律師等等的專業人士,都應該了解下他們的過往經驗,相關牌照同有什麼個人專業操守。


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地產經紀的主要三大分類 Read More »


Our Success


Investment Purchase - Tarragindi

Purpose of purchase: Investment

Property type: Modern family home (5beds + 2spacious living rooms + 3Baths + 2Carparks)

Land size: Elevated 424m2 block

Budget$1.2 mil – $1.25 mil

Purchase price: $1,200,000

Purchased on: Aug 2021

Yield and rental info:
Leased at $750/week
Rental yield on purchase of 3.25%
Based on last year of sales, Tarragindi has achieved a 43.5% capital gain.

Property features:

  • Positioned to enjoy a prime northern easterly aspect
  • Gourmet kitchen displays stone benches and gas stove
  • Modern bathrooms cater for a growing household/guests
  • Covered patio flows to private low maintenance garden
  • Study area, climate control, alarm and double garage

How this purchase met the clients brief:

  • Close to CBD
  • High capital growth suburb
  • Reliable transports to CBD

This client was looking for good capital growth, close to the city, to make her first investment. Due to her very busy working life, she was unable to drive back and forth to Brisbane every week to look at houses. Therefore, she needed professional assistance. After searching for a few months and making a couple of unsuccessful attempts at buying a property, she decided to appoint us as her buyer’s agent. We helped her understand the process of buying a property and also inspected properties on her behalf to ensure they met her requirements. She was very satisfied with this purchase.

2/24 Vanessa Boulevard, Springwood QLD 4127

Phone: +61 411 523 415

Tarragindi Read More »


Our Success


Residential Purchase - MacKenzie

Purpose of purchase: First home buyer
Property type: Low set brick house (4Beds + 2Baths + 3Carparks)

Land size: 700m2 block. 

Budget$1mil – $1.2 mil

Purchase price: $1,006,000

Purchased on: Jul 2021

Yield and rental info: N/A

Property features:

  • Peacefully nestled on a family friendly street in Mackenzie
  • an open plan casual family and dining area and an expansive covered outdoor entertaining area
  • Featuring ducted aircon throughout
  • Generously sized kitchen has ample bench and cupboard storage space, it features stone bench top, gas cook top and quality appliances.
  • Mansfield State High School Catchment

How this purchase met the clients brief:

  • Low set brick home in a quiet residential suburb
  • Criteria was set on buying a house in suburb within 20 minutes to CBD & close to Sunnybank

This client was looking for a property that could be settled by the end of  August. They were referred to Aus Property Buyer and soon after they engaged with us, we shortlisted some suburbs that fits in their budget and criteria. After visiting a few open homes, this client fell in love with this low set brick house. This beautiful home satisfied all of their requirements, and is surrounded by friendly neighbourhood, within walking distance to the park and short drive to major shopping centres. However it required to fix the fence and retaining wall on one side of the house. We helped this client negotiate a fair discount on this purchase and obtain quotes from different parties to ensure a smooth process before settlement. Now ,they have moved in and are happily living there with their daughter. 

2/24 Vanessa Boulevard, Springwood QLD 4127

Phone: +61 411 523 415

MacKenzie Read More »

Hope Island

Our Success

Hope Island

Residential Purchase - Hope Island

Purpose of purchase: Residential home

Property type:  House (4Beds + 3Baths + 2Carparks)

Land size: 546m2

Budget:Below $1.5 mil

Purchase price: $1,330,000

Purchased on: Aug 2021

Yield and rental info: N/A

Property features:

  • Located within one of the first-class precincts of Hope Island Resort
  • Contemporary designed two level 340m2 home sitting on a Northeast, park frontage lot.
  • An open floor plan wrapping around the sun-drenched pool.
  • Contains full bathroom, separate media room, lounge room, dining, family room and kitchen alfresco areas

How this purchase met the clients brief:

  • Client was looking for a contemporary style home in a quiet residential suburb
  • High standard of living style
  • Open and overlooking space

This client is semi-retired who is relocating from Hong Kong. They were looking for a contemporary style home that requires low maintenance. This beautiful home is located in a world standard integrated residential resort, with easy access to golf courses and waterways which is perfectly matching this client’s lifestyle. This property is also surrounded by local fine dining and many beautiful parks. 

After showing a few properties to this client, we fully understanding of what this client was looking for, and negotiated on their behalf, successfully secured  this property just over the weekend.

2/24 Vanessa Boulevard, Springwood QLD 4127

Phone: +61 411 523 415

Hope Island Read More »